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Avoid the Tech Chaos

Let AJBC Build Your Online Success. Your One-Stop Shop for Online Freedom - Stop Scrolling, Start Growing: Talk to AJBC & Unleash Your Digital Potential



Consultancy: Grow your online presence with expert support in app & web design, hosting, SEO, and AI

Technical Support

No tech headaches, just online growth. We manage your website, you focus on what matters

Personal Coaching

Unlock your team's potential with practical mindset shifts led by Canalside Life Coach.

Recent Projects

Supporting your online growth

Quick Startup: Get online quickly and cost-effectively using content management technology that suits your budget

Managed Content: Easily modify your website's text and graphics with user-friendly content management tools

Consultancy and Support: We provide support and guidance to manage and grow your online presence, tackling technical complexities so you can focus on your business

Personal Coaching with Canalside Life Coach: Working with the Canalside Life Coach, you and your team will become more resourceful by learning practical ways to overcome challenges, and make positive changes

About Us

Why AJBC? We're Anne and Jon Brookes Contracts, established in 2007

Our focus is on personal service and bespoke solutions reflecting your values

We make it as easy as AJBC to get the job done

We're located in Birmingham, United Kingdom

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Anne Brookes
LinkedIn LinkedIn
Jon Brookes

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